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  • Writer's pictureBroadway Beat

Of All the Performances of THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES On Campus, Ours is the Loudest

by Caitlin Bitzegaio. @caitorade.

SHRUB, VT - Students of Shrub College, I know this weekend you have your choice of productions of The Vagina Monologues. I just want to state firmly: of all the performances of The Vagina Monologues on campus, ours is the loudest.

If you want to see a production of V’s (formerly Eve Ensler’s) seminal work about menstruation, prostitution, and masturbation that’s at a volume that can only be described as “brave,” please come to Reed Hall at 6:15 PM Saturday and 4:45 PM Sunday (free with ID, pay what you wish for non-students, suggested donation $49).

I don’t want to disparage the productions of The Vagina Monologues that are happening at Forest Hall, Wilkie Hall, Ashton Hall, Teter Quad, the Multipurpose Annex, the Volleyball Gym or Fud’s Head Shop at those exact same times, but I will say in the WhatsApp group “Shrub College Vagina Monologues Directors Fall ‘23,” no other director seemed as willing to push their actors to be as loud.

For me, volume is a key expression of this work, which was an envelope-pushing, avant garde, edgy show when it debuted about eight years before I was born.

As I wrote in the artist’s statement I’ll be passing out before the performance, “if we’re going to listen to the message, we first have to hear it.”

The performance will include American Sign Language interpreters and I’ve asked them to convey that the experience is physically painful for hearing audience members.

For those who critique The Vagina Monologues as sex negative, anti-trans, or colonialist, I think you’re going to like what we do with this production (scream).

Ultimately, this weekend, most Shrub College students are either cast or crew of one of the eight concurrent productions of The Vagina Monologues. As audience members, you will be in the minority, making your choice more important than ever.

Please consider attending the Reed Hall production of The Vagina Monologues and be aware you can hear ours from the Teter Quad performance anyway.


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