by Kath Dunham. @kathdunham.

NEW YORK, NY - Reports are surfacing today that the parents of Tony Award Winner Katrina Lenk, currently starring as Bobbie in the Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre revival of Company, have taken out a half-page ad in the Broadway playbill which simply and wholesomely reads “Break a leg and have fun up there, honey!”, multiple sources have confirmed.
“For The Band’s Visit, we took out a quarter page ad that said ‘All the world’s YOUR stage, Katrina!'” reported Mr. Lenk, explaining that this new half-page ad gave them enough space to include a picture of Katrina as a little girl doing a silly dance. “We wanted to go even bigger for this one. It’s Sondheim! And our little girl’s the lead! We couldn’t be prouder - we just hope she doesn’t get too nervous up there in front of all those people.”
Katrina’s mom went on to discuss how much this experience has meant to her daughter.
“In the end, we just want her to enjoy the experience, learn something new, and have fun!” said Mrs. Lenk. “We hope our message shows her just how much we support her in everything she does. And she’s met so many new friends through this show! We had them all over the house for pizza during tech week. They’re all lovely - but I must say, the mouth on that Patti.”
Eva Ville, Company’s head of marketing, explained that local businesses and families are often encouraged to take out ads in the musical’s playbill.
“We’ve got ads for Broadway Barbers, Midtown Grocers, and Sheila’s Deli,” Ville explained. “There’s one for Tony’s Pizza in there that will get you 15% off your next order! Tony is one of the crew member’s dad, so he was really generous.”
At press time, Christopher Fitzgerald’s family was seen taking out a full page ad of their own, so they could send best wishes from "Mom, Dad, Derek, Lizzie, Aunt Joni, Nana and Pop Pop, and their family dog, Skip."