by Zach Raffio. @zachraffio
NEW YORK, NY - Additional casting was announced today for next season’s Beanie Feldstein-led revival of Funny Girl, including forever Fanny Brice hopeful Lea Michele’s Glee co-star, as well as Michee’s parents, best and closest friends in the world, and her childhood pet hamster, Whiskers Arnstein, sources confirmed.
“It’s an a-list cast for a blockbuster production, from the iconic Jane Lynch to Lea’s old next door neighbor, Bill, who isn’t an actor,” noted producer Ken Turrok, putting together a catering menu of all Michele’ s favorite food for a dinner she can’t make. “We can’t wait to bring this legendary musical/Michele friends & family reunion to life!”
Theatre fans - who have been eagerly awaiting additional casting since Feldstein was announced as the lead this summer - aren’t raining on this parade of performers.
“Beanie? Ramin? Jane? AND Marc Sarfati?! I just bought ten tickets,” noted theatre fan Alyssa Curnest, walking past the show’s new marquee, which is just a picture from Michele’s high school graduation party with her photoshopped out. “I do think it’s weird that all of the friends were forced ‘talk about the show a lot in front of Lea’ in their contracts, but hey, that’s showbiz.”
Michele - whose friends canceled her surprise party because of rehearsals and also because “the producers told us to cause they thought it’d be funny” - weighed in on the seemingly pointed casting.
“I think it’s a total coincidence, even if the hamster died 12 years ago and there’s no role in the show for a hamster anyway,” claimed Michele, double checking the libretto to see if there are any notable squeaks. “At least the production sent me this nice bouquet of flowers,” she noted, before taking a sniff and finding out it’s one of those prank flowers that shoots water.
At press time, ensemble casting for the performance was still unannounced, but rumors are swirling that the supporting cast will include several Broadway vets, a bevy of touring performers making their Broadway debuts, and literally every other person Lea has ever met in her entire life.
Wow, that is weak.
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