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"Cats" Halts Press Tour After James Corden Refuses to Break Character, Keeps Pissing on Everything

by Elizabeth Pellegrino. @lizwrotewhat.

LOS ANGELES, Ca - Representatives from Universal Pictures revealed today that they are halting the press tour for the much-anticipated Cats film hitting theaters this week, after James Corden, actor and host of The Late Late Show with James Corden, decided to go full method for his role, refusing to break character during the tour and pissing all over the place at every single interview, sources confirmed. 

“Male cats have this interesting behavior where they piss everywhere to mark their territory,” Corden said in defense of his actions. “If I’m going to be my character, I need to be pissing on something at all times. If I’m not pissing, I’m not acting. I know we finished shooting a while ago, but I still need to be the cat. I’m the kitty. Meow,” he added before pissing yet again.

Although Corden might think his actions are justified, others have found the ongoing behavior incredibly disruptive while attempting to promote the film. Director Tom Hooper, who recently noted that the film was only completed a few hours before the premiere, publicly expressed his disappointment with Corden.

“It’s a shame he’s doing this during the tour. He was often pissing on the set while we were filming, but it wasn’t much of a problem,” noted the director. “All of the shots in the movie are extreme close-ups of people’s faces, so you couldn’t actually see that he was pissing.”

Taylor Swift, who owns a cat and also stars in the film, spoke up regarding how she felt about Corden’s antics.

“I was pretty dedicated to my role in the movie, but there’s a line I would never cross,” noted the Grammy winner. “I ate a lot of tuna during production and I killed a bug with my hands, but I was never going to do anything crazy. James didn’t even do any other cat stuff. Just pissing. Constantly, relentlessly pissing.”

At press time, Universal Pictures was hoping to negotiate with Corden. Although the actor has openly refused to stop going to the bathroom like a cat, his representatives have made it clear that he will stop pissing on everything during the press tour if he is provided a litter box.


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